I C N Relatiegeschenken C V

I C N Relatiegeschenken C V is a foreign buyer from Netherlands, need to purchase products of Medicine / Health / Beauty etc. categories.

Enterprise Information (企业资料):

  • Company Name (公司名称):
I C N Relatiegeschenken C V
  • Country / Area (国家/地区):
Netherlands (荷兰)
  • Introduction (简要介绍):
We are international purchaser of Health & Beauty products for long time.
  • Employee (雇员人数):
  • Category (采购产品类别):
Medicine / Health / Beauty (医药保健) etc.
Contact Method(联系方式)
  • Contact Person (联系人):
Dhr. G.M.R. Timmermans
  • Address (详细地址):
Industrieterrein Nieuwgraaf, Straatnr. 27 Huisnr. 202, NL-6921 RR Duiven, Netherlands
  • Postcode (邮政编码):
  • Telephone (电话号码):
0031 26 3193250
  • Fax (传真号码):
0031 26 3193260
  • Email (电子邮件):
  • Website (网站网址):

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