JBY International co., Ltd. - info@jby-i.com

JBY International co., Ltd. is a foreign buyer from Japan, need to purchase products of Electronics / Electrical etc. categories.

Enterprise Information (企业资料):

  • Company Name (公司名称):
JBY International co., Ltd.
  • Country / Area (国家/地区):
Japan (日本)
  • Introduction (简要介绍):
JBY International co., Ltd. handle various electronics and medical components such as exclusive perforators, broach handle, stainless steel parts, spring tensioned part in any style and so many others for export to overseas clients. All categories that we have, are committed and assured its high quality parts which have been used superior technology assembled by long-term Japanese highly skilled manufacturers experiences. Not only in-line product order but also we can arrange new production based on the drawing. Also we pour our efforts into arranging the new parts development so if you request something to be developed, please feel free to contact us.
  • Employee (雇员人数):
  • Category (采购产品类别):
Electronics / Electrical (电子电工) etc.
Contact Method(联系方式)
  • Contact Person (联系人):
Noriko Kikcuhi
  • Address (详细地址):
24-224,1-2chohme,Yato-cho, Nishi-Tokyo-shi,Tokyo 188-0001 JAPAN
  • Postcode (邮政编码):
  • Telephone (电话号码):
  • Fax (传真号码):
  • Email (电子邮件):
  • Website (网站网址):

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